Obsidianhtml configs and script

Luciano Ratamero


Here are the configs and scripts I use to migrate notes from a part of my Obsidian vault to my site’s source code folder. Let’s just hope it’s up to date 😅

Oh, all of this assumes you have a folder structure like this on Obsidian:

A folder structure visualization with an 'assets' subfolder and an 'Index.md' file

The important parts are:

  • the assets folder, which contains all images and static files that are inside of your notes;
  • and the Index note, which remains empty. It’s required by obsidianhtml, so we just leave it there. It will not be on the blog.

With this structure set up, just take a look at the following configs, change what you need, and you’ll be set!


obsidian_folder_path_str: "/home/luciano/Nextcloud/obsidian/root/blog"
obsidian_entrypoint_path_str: "/home/luciano/Nextcloud/obsidian/root/blog/Index.md"
  process_all: True

This here is the configuration file for the exporter that I use, obsidianhtml. What it does is to process everything that is inside this obsidian_folder_path_str folder, and put the output to a local output folder. Inside, there’s the HTML and Markdown versions, but we’ll only use the Markdown one.


# Obsidian to blog markdown
export BLOG_DIR=~/projects/swyxkit-blog/src/posts/
export OBSIDIANHTML_CONFIG_YML=~/Nextcloud/misc/obsidianhtml.yml

  rm -rf $BLOG_DIR
  mkdir $BLOG_DIR
  obsidianhtml -i $OBSIDIANHTML_CONFIG_YML
  rm ./output/md/index.md
  mv ./output/md/* $BLOG_DIR
  rm -rf ./output
  cd $BLOG_DIR
  find . -type f -name "*.md" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s/)/)/g"
  find . -type f -name "*.md" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s/(.//(/blog//g"
  rm -rf ../../static/blog/
  mkdir ../../static/blog/
  mv assets ../../static/blog/
  cd -

And here’s the crazy spaghetti code that does what I really need, which is to call obsidianhtml and do a couple of other things. I put it inside of my .zshrc file, and I urge you to do the same, or use it as a separate script. Let’s go step by step.

First, we need to clean up the old posts. So we just nuke the posts folder and recreate it:

rm -rf $BLOG_DIR
mkdir $BLOG_DIR

Then, we run obsidianhtml passing the correct configs (the file above ☝️):


We remove unnecessary files (the mandatory, useless and empty Index.md file), move the generated md files to the blog’s folder, and clean the output folder, since we won’t need it again:

rm ./output/md/index.md
mv ./output/md/* $BLOG_DIR
rm -rf ./output

Then, we go to the blog posts folder, tweak the links so that they’re not relative anymore (mostly to prevent RSS issues), and move the assets folder to the static folder of the SvelteKit app:

find . -type f -name "*.md" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s/)/)/g"
find . -type f -name "*.md" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "s/(.//(/blog//g"
rm -rf ../../static/blog/
mkdir ../../static/blog/
mv assets ../../static/blog/
cd -