This is the place I put all my blog posts. Most are just notes to self, though. In total, I've written 15 articles here. Use the search below to filter by title and description.
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Showing a loading spinner when navigation is delayed in SvelteKit - Updated
Sometimes, when the internet connection is not ideal, SvelteKit apps might look like they froze when navigating to another page. This is how I solved this issue. Again.
impressões sobre a python brasil 2024
muita coisa aconteceu no evento desse ano. entre rever amigos e assistir a palestras, aprendi algumas coisas que quero compartilhar. :)
#ajudaLuciano - Como escrever posts de blog
Escrever texto é muito difícil. Pra nós programadores, as coisas muitas vezes fazem total sentido dentro da nossa cabeça de uma maneira intuitiva. Mesmo assim, **colocar as ideias no papel** parece ser uma tarefa monumental.
Next.js vs SvelteKit: pros and cons
SvelteKit has released their first release candidate for the 1.0 version last week, and this was the last push I needed to start playing with it again - but lately, for work, I've been really impressed with Next.js. here are my thoughts about them.
First impressions of Elixir
this last week, I came back to Elixir, and I'm loving every second with it. here are my first impressions.
Reading MP3 metadata with Python
Music is one of my real passions. If I'm not listening to something, I'm probably singing something to myself all the time. But for the longest time, I never had the time (or money) to have a better listening experience. Since I'm at home, and the pandemic is not over, I decided to understand a little bit better what (and how) I'm listening to music - with Python :]
This post was written in Obsidian
For the last three years, I was not satisfied with my process of writing blog posts. It was too artisanal, so I always found something less boring to do. Here's how it all changed with my two new favorite tools: SvelteKit and Obsidian.
Showing a loading spinner when navigation is delayed in SvelteKit
Sometimes, when the internet connection is not ideal, SvelteKit apps might look like they froze when navigating to another page. This is how I solved this issue.
My favorite obsidian plugins
Obsidian alone is already a pretty nice tool to help us figure out the mess that's inside of our heads, but I wouldn't be a software developer without overcomplicating things - so here's my list of my favorite plugins.
Hiding scrollbars with CSS
Today I learned of a really simple way to make scrollbars functional, but hidden :]
A week with Obsidian
It's been a week since I started using Obsidian. It sells itself as a "second brain" app, and I must say: until now, it has not disappointed. Come with me and you'll see that it's not just about productivity, but about being healthier. :]
Python para desenvolvedores javascript
eu percebi que as poucas dificuldades que tive durante minha adaptação de javascript pra python (há anos) nunca foram ensinadas pra mim de uma maneira clara.
Git e github parte 3 boas praticas de organizacao de branches
chegamos à parte 3 dos posts sobre git e github! nos outros dois, falei sobre o que são o git e o github e slguns conceitos básicos pra começar a usar o git. hoje, vou falar mais sobre algumas boas práticas pra organização de branches, baseado nas sugestões do git flow.
Git e github parte 2 conceitos basicos para trabalhar com git
eis que voltamos para a parte 2 dos posts sobre git e github! dessa vez, vou discutir alguns conceitos básicos necessários para quem quer trabalhar com git.
Git e github parte 1: o que são e como usar
hoje eu tava conversando com uns amigos sobre git e github e percebemos um problema: não temos atualmente um lugar com conteúdo sobre os dois em português, principalmente para leigos ou iniciantes. depois de pegar com o pessoal uns pontos importantes, decidi fazer alguns posts sobre o assunto, para servir de referência. aí vamos nós!